Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fall In Love With Money

Fall In Love With Money
Change your feelings about abundance!

by S. K. Smith

You're probably familiar with the symbiotic relationship between the way we think and the way we feel. But did you know there is a mind-money connection too? It's not as simple as thinking rich to get rich, but there's no doubt you can impact your financial situation significantly with your thoughts. In fact, for better or worse, you already are!

The good news is, you can also shift your perspective when it comes to money and change your income outcome - quickly. So, if you're not satisfied with your bank account - or any other aspect of your financial profile for that matter - there's no better season than transformational autumn to shed your negative associations with wealth and "fall" in love with abundance!

No matter how much stress it causes you, attracting wealth begins with loving and respecting money. Now before you can say Who doesn't love money? (after all, we're all really great at spending it), think about the number of times you've complained about not having enough. "If only I could afford x, y or z [fill in the blank]" has certainly come out of your mouth at some time or another, right? In a world where we're bombarded with images of wealthy celebs and their possessions - and expected to live up to them - most of us voice these sorts of concerns quite often. We certainly think them, anyway.

While there's nothing wrong with wanting more money, first you've got to learn to really appreciate what you've got. Change those "not enough" statements to statements of gratitude. Whether it's the occasional Starbucks run, buying groceries, regular dinners out or the ability to go on vacation, most of us can find something to be grateful for. If you have to get really basic, the fact that you're in front of a computer reading this and can afford to keep a roof over your head is a great place to start saying thank you. It could be worse… and now, you're going to make it better.

Just like in a relationship, respect is vital to your new romance with money and its success. Consider the way you treat your earnings. Are you constantly worried that there will never be enough… so that no matter how much your income increases, you're somehow still struggling? Are you so fearful you won't be able to afford your bills that you simply ignore them when they arrive in your mailbox each month, letting them pile up until you have no choice but to look - and probably pay late fees on top of high interest rates? That's not treating money with respect. How do you expect it to flow to you when you're throwing it away or cursing it?

Laissez faire does not work for personal finance. Nor does seeing the glass as eternally half empty. Growth only happens in the areas of life that you give attention. Only those tasks which you approach hopefully will prosper. You can't expect to get what you don't ask for… Make it a point to know what you've got coming in and going out each month. Stay on top of your bills, sure, but also your daily and longer term spending. (Most banks and credit cards will do a breakdown of your spending by category per month, per quarter and even per year.) After all, only when you know where you're starting can you know where you're heading and how long it will take to get there.

Whatever you want your financial future to be, as in any love relationship, you have to commit to making it happen. That means not only setting goals and maintaining records, but keeping a positive attitude as you work toward achievement - and acknowledging your progress along the way.

Like any meaningful relationship, there are times when money is going to make you angry - but you have to recognize that ebb and flow is a part of life, love and abundance. Stick to your plan and in the meantime, trust that above all, you are not meant to struggle, you are worth being wealthy. Shed your fears that wealth is for other people, wealth will never come to you, wealth requires sacrifice (after all, you're not sacrificing by being responsible, you're accumulating) and take the responsibility for manifesting what's yours.

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